Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity...

Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and higher education positively fortifies it.
~Stephen Vizinczey

1 comment:

Vincent said...

This was posted by one of the people that inspired me to embrace quotes and to create the personal database of quotes that you are reading here. The great thing about this quote is that it reassures me that I've made the right choices the last few months. You see, defining stupidity is really subjective, as there is no way to objectively define it. Someones definition will always be based on their own values, morals or societal mores.

This particular 'quote copier' will never deal with whatever the actual subject of an argument/debate is. Instead, they will expertly manipulate the conversation to the point where you begin to question your own morals and values. As soon as they accomplish this (which they usually do), you're back at step one again in the entire conversation.

How does the definition of stupidity and being a master manipulator relate? Pretty simply. This is not a knock to the quote copier, but we are different people, with different experiences and opinions on life. I, for one, would never bring someone's level of education into a discussion. Why? Because that would be pretty smug of me and it's not something that I would do. The fact that they have brought it up numerous times already speaks volumes on their own insecurities and with a surprising injection of manipulation, the discussion is once again shifted from the real topic and back to me. The real definition of stupidity is in the eye of the beholder.

The truth of the matter is the ignorance in Vizinczey's quote. Anyone that has gone through higher education knows that the point of it is not to learn and be closed minded. The point of it is to learn how to think for yourself and not just accept whatever is thrown at you. Again, this is the opposite of Vizinczey's quote. After reading a little bit of background on him, you can clearly see where this point of view came from.

Removing the higher education knock, I don't want to ignore the basic premise of the quote; stupid in equals stupid out. I'm sure this was the intent of them using the quote. This is where my sense of satisfaction in making the right decisions comes from. If the 'quote copier' feels this way, they're not someone that I want in my life. I've got great, supportive family and friends around me that don't need to use the words of others to speak because they can speak for themselves.

Perhaps the words of Vizinczey are doing you a dis-service and a little 'higher education' might teach you to think for yourself? It's something to think about, if you can...